Well I know it has been a long time since we updated so I will try to make it brief. We left Kalispell MT, for Glacier but first stopping in Lone Pine State park. To put things in perspective, we stayed in a Rhodeway INN the night before (nice room, but horrible breakfast). We left the INN without food or coffee b/c it was so bad, stopped for gas and coffee but the coffee was awful, to drive to a scenic over look to find it (scenic overlook) was of the same town that gave us horrible coffee! We continued onward to the Hungry Horse Dam which was pretty cool finding these nice deer who helped finish the foreshadowing of our long day at Glacier Nat. Park.
Once to Glacier we learned the
"road to the sun" closed that morning!! So, we decided to drive what was open then back track and drive around glacier to the other side and finish the road (missing the middle two miles that were closed (best part of the park!)) However, before driving to the other side we decided to head towards Canada to see the West side of the park only to learn we drove 45 miles on dirt roads to what was another road under construction and CLOSED that no ranger warned us about, In fact the Ranger station was closed closest to the closed road! So, we went back to the east side (2 hr plus drip) to finish what we started seeing some amazing beauty, but not all (closed). We had a bit of trouble finding a place to stay, but after almost blood, sweat, and tears we made it to the east entrance of Glacier to an
INN with no bottled water, TV, Internet, onions, and Merlot (which Lori drank the last glass) not to mention the Eagles losing to Dallas (we did managed to watch on the only tv in the lodge bar).
Now, on to Yellowstone, we drove about 400 miles to West Yellowstone which was all booked up but after spending about 45min. on the phone we found a place. (again no tv or Internet) Nice town good coffee got the white boy (my truck) washed and slept well! Next day we entered the West entrance and drove to our Pioneer cabins on Yellowstone lake (2.5hr drive no stops) but we stopped many many times to make this trip all day. However, we saw lots of stuff including a bald eagle, coyote, springs, geysers, waterfalls, continental divide, and bison. Not to mention the crazy awesome landscapes!
The Pioneer cabins were not all that impressive but, provided a very good location within the park. Second day in Yellowstone we got on the road by 5:45am to search out some Moose and Wolfs! NO such luck but we did see a nice sun rise and plenty of bison and one massive elk.
Day three we checked out of the pioneer cabin and hiked some awesome trails overlooking the Upper and lower falls of the Grand Canon of Yellowstone. We continued on to hike the Norris Geysey Basin and finished up the day checking into the Old faithful Inn (nice place but no Internet, or tv).
That brings us to today (yesterday) and we left Yellowstone after having a great breakfast and watching a mediocre Old Faithful (she was late and temperamental just like a woman). We left out the south entrance not before seeing the Moose falls, which was very secluding and serene.
From there we entered the Grand Teton National forest which again was awesome (maybe the most awesome) It was very awe-inspiring and we witnessed a passing thunderstorm. We stopped for many scenic overlooks including Signal mountain and Jenny Lake. From there we arrived Teton Village and acting on a tip from a very nice old lady we arrange a room at the local Hostel! What a horrible mistake that cost me $95 since we check in and out in about 3 hrs!!! The hostel I will let Lori describe "creepy, leaky, noisy, and flat out disgusting" Now we are residing in the Alpenhof Lodge which is just down right comfy with a tv Internet and balcony!
going to watch SNL now so feel free to check out these random Photos (click
HERE) and post some comments!