Yesterday our cat Licorice had to have blood taken and since he is ferocious, the vet had to sedate him with a little IM shot of Ketamine. Check out how big his pupils remained 5 hours post sedation. (I also added a picture with his normal looking eyes) Had he let the vet take blood without sedation the procedure would have only taken seconds, instead it was a whole day event. On the plus side they were able to examine his gums, teeth, and cut his nails (which is a first in 13 years). Licorice has been consistantley losing weight about half his body weight over the last 5 years. We think he may have a hyperthroid? We will find out on Monday? Apparenlty Lori gets just as upset with our cat getting sedated as she did with Courtney's knee operations.
That video is so creepy when you compare the eyes to the ones in the photo. I wonder what Licorice thinks is a better high, catnip or sedative.
That's hilarious. I think Mason needs some of that good stuff.
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