Thursday, February 11, 2010

And more snow

As you can see my ornamental grasses look like a very big funnel cake. (wasn't easy to dig out)

Ok now to the "what am I" Rob Cocker guessed it right with "Wart" here is a bigger picture so you can see the other two that I didn't include with the 1st picture.

I said I wouldn't say who the foot belongs to, but I will say this, he doesn't live in any of these states
al, ak, az, ar, ca, co, ct, de, fl, ga, hi, id, il, in, ia, ks, ky la, me, ma, mi, mn, ms, mo, mt, ne, nv, nh, nj, nm, ny, nc, nd, oh, ok, or, pa, ri, sc, sd, tn, tx, ut, vt, va, wa, wv, wi, wy.

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