Sunday, February 14, 2010

Wine Update

Our sixth month wine update. The weekend before the super bowl Lori and I went to check on our wine. The purpose of this visit was to "rack" the wine. Racking is just a term to remove the wine from the barrel and clean the barrel of all the sediment that is formed in the wine process (ex: dead yeast cells) Since there are so many barrels and too little time, the facility demonstrated the racking process with random barrels and we were told if we found our specific barrel that we could take a little taste. In the pictures take notice of the happy faces of the tasters! So, now we are anxiously awaiting our next visit in August or September when we will bottle and label the finished product. Stay tuned

Thursday, February 11, 2010

And more snow

As you can see my ornamental grasses look like a very big funnel cake. (wasn't easy to dig out)

Ok now to the "what am I" Rob Cocker guessed it right with "Wart" here is a bigger picture so you can see the other two that I didn't include with the 1st picture.

I said I wouldn't say who the foot belongs to, but I will say this, he doesn't live in any of these states
al, ak, az, ar, ca, co, ct, de, fl, ga, hi, id, il, in, ia, ks, ky la, me, ma, mi, mn, ms, mo, mt, ne, nv, nh, nj, nm, ny, nc, nd, oh, ok, or, pa, ri, sc, sd, tn, tx, ut, vt, va, wa, wv, wi, wy.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

wow snow day

In the first picture can you find my neighbor's car?
Second picture is the result of snow blower plus wind gust = frozen face
Third picture self explanatory.

Don't worry I will update the Guess what I am by Monday and our wine making.

Everyone enjoy your snow day.