Some of you may know that we are flying to Vegas tomorrow, however, because the name ROBERT SMITH is such a common terrorist name, the name has been placed on a "watch list" As a result of said watch list I can not use the little kiosk at the airport nor can I print my boarding pass from home. NO, because of this, when I flew home from Ireland I was detained by the TSA for questioning! I actually joked with the tsa agent that I should change my name to Muhamad..... she laughed and said "that would only make it worse"
Too funny!! I'm sure the fact that you travel a lot has really helped the suspicion!! Love Rob's post! Hoping you get a friendly agent that doesn't get too friendly!! Have fun in Vegas! Oh.. I'm sure they willlove that your'e going to a skeptic conference!!! You Conspiracy Theorist!!!
I always thought you were a little sketchy anyway. Hope "Robert Smith" isn't flagged for a body cavity search.
Too funny!! I'm sure the fact that you travel a lot has really helped the suspicion!! Love Rob's post! Hoping you get a friendly agent that doesn't get too friendly!! Have fun in Vegas! Oh.. I'm sure they willlove that your'e going to a skeptic conference!!! You Conspiracy Theorist!!!
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