Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Eagle video was a hoax

That eagle snatching video turns out to be a school project!  See explanation video.

Golden Eagle snatches kid

This is just incredible!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Funny Xmas card

You got to love The Onion for putting this card together!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Bog body

These bodies were preserved by the natural bogs in Ireland and found in AD.  The lack of oxygen helped keep them intact.  Pretty cool.

Thursday, October 18, 2012


Made to Ireland, long flight, long day.  We are all recovered and ready to see Ireland.  Guinness is good (whisky too).  Much to see well update again. This is a picture of a castle that we just stopped to have lunch.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Lots of Bucks!

Who knew that a bunch of bucks would be hanging around together, I always thought they stayed apart.  After catching this video on our trail camera it turns out that it is very common for the bucks to form bachelor packs.  They hang around during the summer months up until the "rut" starts and then they start to fight over the females!  Very cool, more to come this is just a quik update

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Successful Wine Bottling Day

Thanks to everyone who help us in this years bottling of our 2010 EC Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve! 

This years newbie's!!  Great job
Seasoned veterans

Double fisting

Ultra Intense, high risk job task guy!  Perfection at it's best!!!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Flying Squirrel

Who thinks I caught a flying squirrel on camera?  Try to ignore the bright light in the video, there was a small try branch hanging over the camera.  But look in the upper left corner of the screen and then wait and see the squirrel in flight?  Or is it a bird/bat/giant moth that just happen to fly by?

This past weekend we hit the Blackwater State Park and here is the current photo of the falls (dry season).  In the second photo you will see what it looked like a few years ago, what a difference! 

Lastly, we picked up a yard machine!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

visiters and changes

Early in May we caught this gorgeous redhead on our trail camera! Can you identify her!?!
(Thanks Katherine, Erin, & Rob for being our first guests at the cabin! Come again soon!)

 The Hybrid made a trip without any issues! (We were a little worried about the driveway...)

Above is a before and after picture of the staining. Justin did a fabulous job! His attention to detail was amazing. The "de-Chunging" process is almost complete!

Our next visitors were Lori's parents! We caught them coming in on our trail camera! Yeah!

and... last but not least!

Finn and Sheree followed us down this last time! Finn not only found this frog, but also a box turtle, a couple lizards, and a few ticks!

The bottom picture is hiking back up to the cabin after playing with salamanders in the stream. Refreshments were provided after the hike!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Spring time in WV

With this last trip to WV we were lucky enough to catch on the trail camera a baby deer and two baby turkeys.  In the first video you will see the ten day progression of the baby deer and how clumsy she/he is at first to how big she/he gets in just ten days!  Awesome!

Baby deer

Baby Turkey

The tree is>>>>>> Oddly enough a guy that is doing work on the cabin knew exactly what the tree was, said that they are popular in Japan since they make shoes out of the wood. in fact his mother who lives in Baltimore was offered $1200 for her tree that was in her yard by a random guy knocking on her door.  Weird!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Trying to identify this tree or weed tree. If anyone has any ideas I'd love to here them!!! The leaf you are looking at is pretty big, almost the size of a full 8x10 piece of paper. There are two of these trees, one is a single straight rod going up about 15 feet with these leaves all over and the other has many branches but not as tall.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Happy Graduation from Rider University, Courtney!

Road to the Cabin take two

A daylight view of the road into the cabin. Remeber this is just the last two miles from the main gate to our gate. (Sorry for the motion sickness- (Weber) and buggy window)
What am I missing?

Saturday, April 28, 2012

This elusive bird is what you are hearing in the sound track below! I took the following from All About Birds, you can check their page out here "Because of its nocturnal habits, the Whip-poor-will is infrequently seen. Its cryptic coloring keeps it hidden during the day, too. However, its loud calling at dusk makes it well known wherever it breeds."

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

While sitting on the porch one night we heard this really loud bird singing/chirping away, anyone have any guesses as to what kind of bird this is? More random pics
Portrait of Licorice, Thanks Cocker
Wind chime, thanks Brandi
Me on the south branch of the Potomac river public access which is about 3 miles from the cabin.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Big bear!

As John Candy once said, big beaaa big big big beaaa big BEAR!

Turkey, come on Thanksgiving!

We also had a small widefire within our developement. This actually was dealt with swiftly and without incident. We were able to listen in to the local county fire & rescue station on our phone via an application called scanner radio. pretty cool

In this video you will see our WV Chupacabra!

All I need now is my shotgun and a cold Brew

Sunday, April 1, 2012

misc. Moorewine photos

Here are a few miscellaneous photo. More from the inside after we get a delivery. During the warm visit we had this little guy (fence lizard) hang out with us. There are three different kinds of lizards that we have incountered so far. Thanks to Sheree for the etched wine glasses, we hope to put them to good use!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Attention hunters!

Have I got a chair for you. With this chair you can hunt from the comfort of your living room and you will blend in so your wife won't even see you. All you have to do is where something like this ------

Monday, March 12, 2012

Road to the cabin

Road to the cabin

From our gate to the cabin

Anyone have any thoughts? we think this is a coyote

What are you looking at?

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Cabin in the Woods

After jumping though many hoops we are now the proud owners of a cabin in the woods of West Virginia! Roughly it takes about 4.5hrs to drive there from NJ. There is plenty to do to make it ours and we are taking it one step at a time. This may sound stupid but we didn't realize how big 20 acres was until we walked it. We did the perimeter walk and it took a few hours, we found many different types of tress, a tiny bit of water, and lots of hills and valleys.

One of the first things we did was to replace the wood stove with an awesome soapstone wood stove.

The idea is that the heat flows through the stone and then heats the room and after the fire is out the stone is very much hot and continues to heat the room.

This past weekend Lori spotted a bald eagle flying over the horse farm behind us. Also, even though we didn't see them we heard a group of wild turkeys making a ruckus close by. You would think being in the woods we would see a bunch of squirrels but we only saw one fox squirrel, but it was big!

Weather wise it seems to be just a bit cooler at the cabin then in NJ, also the wv weather is about 1/2 day ahead of NJ. This past weekend when NJ was getting 45 mph wind gusts we were getting up to 60mph gusts the day before. (according to my weather station we only hit 35 mph)

One of the things we learned fairly quickly is that in the country in late fall the bugs of the area try to enter and spend their winter in your home!

These paper wasps have a ridiculously painful sting. We both should know since we each got stung in our 2nd night, not nice at all! (see once we start up the wood stove, it heats the entire place and the wasps wake up and slowly slumber around)

This little gismo is placed in the corner of a window and inside is sticky tape and the flies get stuck.
One way around this is to have your exterior sprayed with insecticide in October to stop them from trying to enter. (we plan to do this) After speaking with a full time owner close by (5 miles) she explained this is a very common issue with homes here and that the spraying will be very effective.

Another fun thing we came across is with well water you have a well mate. The mate's job is to create air pressure in your water pipes to give you water pressure at the faucet.

And this little busted up switch to the left tells the tank what air pressure to keep in your lines. Well I tried to fiddle with the bolts to increase the pressure and I accidentally shorted the system, leaving us with no water. Bad move and my part! In order to fix this we almost had to drive 1hr one way to home depot to get a replacement switch. Luckily the in-town tractor supply place was A. open and B. carried the $16 switch. (20 min. drive one way:) I hooked up the new clean switch and crisis averted!

Once we are all settled in we hope to have everyone up for the weekend to spend time, kick back, and relax!
