Early in May we caught this gorgeous redhead on our trail camera! Can you identify her!?!
(Thanks Katherine, Erin, & Rob for being our first guests at the cabin! Come again soon!)
The Hybrid made a trip without any issues! (We were a little worried about the driveway...)
Above is a before and after picture of the staining. Justin did a fabulous job! His attention to detail was amazing. The "de-Chunging" process is almost complete!
Our next visitors were Lori's parents! We caught them coming in on our trail camera! Yeah!
and... last but not least!
Finn and Sheree followed us down this last time! Finn not only found this frog, but also a box turtle, a couple lizards, and a few ticks!
The bottom picture is hiking back up to the cabin after playing with salamanders in the stream. Refreshments were provided after the hike!