Saturday, June 23, 2012

visiters and changes

Early in May we caught this gorgeous redhead on our trail camera! Can you identify her!?!
(Thanks Katherine, Erin, & Rob for being our first guests at the cabin! Come again soon!)

 The Hybrid made a trip without any issues! (We were a little worried about the driveway...)

Above is a before and after picture of the staining. Justin did a fabulous job! His attention to detail was amazing. The "de-Chunging" process is almost complete!

Our next visitors were Lori's parents! We caught them coming in on our trail camera! Yeah!

and... last but not least!

Finn and Sheree followed us down this last time! Finn not only found this frog, but also a box turtle, a couple lizards, and a few ticks!

The bottom picture is hiking back up to the cabin after playing with salamanders in the stream. Refreshments were provided after the hike!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Spring time in WV

With this last trip to WV we were lucky enough to catch on the trail camera a baby deer and two baby turkeys.  In the first video you will see the ten day progression of the baby deer and how clumsy she/he is at first to how big she/he gets in just ten days!  Awesome!

Baby deer

Baby Turkey

The tree is>>>>>> Oddly enough a guy that is doing work on the cabin knew exactly what the tree was, said that they are popular in Japan since they make shoes out of the wood. in fact his mother who lives in Baltimore was offered $1200 for her tree that was in her yard by a random guy knocking on her door.  Weird!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Trying to identify this tree or weed tree. If anyone has any ideas I'd love to here them!!! The leaf you are looking at is pretty big, almost the size of a full 8x10 piece of paper. There are two of these trees, one is a single straight rod going up about 15 feet with these leaves all over and the other has many branches but not as tall.