A few years back my neighbor had given me
some really old seeds (about 20 years old), he told me they were called moon
flowers and that the seeds were hard to germinate. That first year
I was successful in growing the viney flower, however, I was only able

to get a single flower. The following year I wasn't able to get the
seeds to germinate and the following year I lost them. Now this year

while shopping at Lowes I came across a packet of seeds and
low and behold they were Moonflowers. Determined I tried and successfully
germinated four seeds and placed them in different locations outside. It seemed to
take forever but I finally got some flowers. The cool thing about this vine is that the
flowers only open up at night, (they start the opening at dusk, remain open all night, and close at dawn). the vine itself grows up to 15 feet and the flowers have a fresh
cotton smell and are 4 to 6 inches across. If you have the space and something for them to grow on they are
worth having!